My Pond5 Stock Footage Portfolio

Frequently Asked Questions
What is royalty-free stock?
Basically, royalty-free stock is footage that's available for end-use in commercial or non-commercial projects. Once licensed, the clips may freely be used in most any project. Actual terms-of-use may vary from clip to clip; details may be found here (via

How much do clips cost?
Pricing varies depending on the clip's resolution and complexity. Each clip's price is clearly marked on the clip's file details page.

Where are clips licensed?
All clips shown on this website link to the stock footage agency. You may license the clips there. If is not your agency of choice, many of the same clips are also available on ShutterStock.

Do I "own" the clips once purchased?
Technically, you do not "own" any purchased clips. What you do own is a license to use the clips in a way as they were intended. This is defined by the terms-of-use contract you agree to when you make a purchase. For more information, please refer to the terms-of-use policy, detailed here (via

What are "Editorial Clips"?
Clips that are marked as "editorial" on the file details page are intended for use in a newsworthy manner or in a documentary project. They cannot be used commercially, such as in an advertisement or to imply the clip is endorsing or otherwise representing a commercial entity. Generally, editorial clips do not have the proper release on-file for the identifiable people and/or property in the clip that would permit commercial useage. Not all agencies license editorial clips, and usage requirements for those that do are detailed at the agency from where you're licensing the clip. Please review the requirements before using any editorial clip in your project(s).

What formats are available?
All of these clips are in the MP4 file format. The clips are broadcast quality and widely compatible with all non-linear edit workstations. Some stock agencies let you transcode licensed clips into other codecs and file types prior to downloading.

What was used in creating these clips?
All of the video clips were shot in HD and 4K using professional and prosumer high-quality cameras

Who is behind all these clips?
Tyler Bliss, the creator of these clips, owns & operates a successful video production company in Edmonton, Alberta called Third Born Entertainment. He graduated from Victoria Motion Picture School in 2003 with a degree in film studies.

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Edmonton Stock Footage is a growing collection of HD and 4K royalty-free stock footage clips filmed in Edmonton, Alberta and area.

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Clips from this website may be licensed through the stock footage agency and used in a wide variety of projects.

» License Agreement